What are your products made with?
We have conveniently provided the ingredients for each product on our website. Please visit www.ohnaturalbeauty.com, click shop and as you click on a product, you will notice a detailed description of every ingredient within each product.
Are all your products 100% organic?
Yes! Here at Oh! Natural Beauty we take great pride in ensuring you are getting USDA approved organic ingredients that are used for each hair care formula.
Are your products safe to use on children?
Absolutely! Since all of our products are 100% organic they are safe to use on infants, toddlers and children. We do however recommend consulting your pediatrician when using any product for the first time on your little one due to allergy concerns.
What products will make my hair grow?
All of our products are formulated to promote hair growth. If you are looking for a more targeted product we recommend our Organic Growth Oil and our Bamboo Hair Pills.
How long does it take for the vitamins to work?
On an average 30-90 days, but you can see results after a few weeks of taking vitamins.
Does your products work only on natural hair types?
Oh! Natural Beauty promotes the health and maintenance of natural hair however; our products are suitable and can be used on all hair types.
I have a question that wasn't answered how do I get ahold of you?
Please visit our contact us page and submit your question there.